Our Conservation Pledge:

We pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of America. We promise to educate future generations so they may become caretakers of our water, air, land and wildlife.

Columbia Fish & Game Association

Columbia Fish & Game Satellite Overhead

Columbia Fish & Game – A privately owned club on over 105 acres of land.

Welcome to Columbia Fish & Game! We are an active, family-friendly, private club for men and women who enjoy hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. We offer indoor and outdoor ranges for archery, rimfire and centerfire pistols and rifles, black powder firearms, and trap shooting ranges on over 105 acres of club-owned land. Check the site frequently for upcoming events like:

  • Many public events
  • 3D Archery Shoots
  • Indoor Archery
  • Weekly Public Trap Shooting (schedule changes seasonally)
  • Regular Black Powder Events

Please feel free to check the event calendar for upcoming events and shoots, meetings, and other activities.


2025 Winter Trap Shooting (Public) @ Columbia Fish & Game Trap Range
Feb 9 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
2025 Winter Trap Shooting (Public) @ Columbia Fish & Game Trap Range | Columbia | Pennsylvania | United States

Weekly winter public trap shoots are open to members and non-members every Sunday at 10:00 am and to 1:00 pm between Thanksgiving and March. Cost is $5 for 25 birds.

2025 CF&G Archery League (Indoor Range) @ Columbia Fish & Game Clubhouse
Feb 11 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
2025 CF&G Archery League (Indoor Range) @ Columbia Fish & Game Clubhouse | Columbia | Pennsylvania | United States


Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm from Jan. 7th to April 1st You must attend 1 of the first 2 weeks to acquire an average score League Scoring will start on January 16th and run for the next 10 weeks April 1st will be a fun shoot where there will be games and prizes.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to learn how to shoot any type of bow, or anyone looking to improve his or her shooting skills. No previous archery knowledge is required, but it would be helpful if you are able to hit a paper plate at 20 yards. You must bring your own equipment. You do not have to be a Columbia Fish & Game Member.

How does it work?

Each shooter will shoot 3 rounds of 15 arrows at a paper target at 20 yards. Each shooter will acquire an average score and try to improve his or her average each week. Teams will be set according to average. (Shooters may request who they would like to shoot with, and all efforts will be made to accommodate these requests.)

50/50 Drawing each week.

For each week of paid attendance, you will receive 1 ticket stub. On the last week of the league, a drawing will be done for the following prizes.

  • 1st Prize: $75 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • 2nd Prize $50 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • 3rd Prize $25 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • And many other prizes.

Trophies will be awarded for the following categories

  • 1st Place Team (Each team member will get a trophy)
  • High Average – Adult
  • High Average – Junior
  • Most Improved Average – Adult
  • Most Improved Average – Junior


Adult $5 per week, $50 total
Junior (16 & under) $2 per week, $20 total

Contact info:

If you are interested in shooting, please attend either Jan. 7th, or Jan 14th and any questions you have can be answered then. If you need any other information, or directions, please contact Cory Trimble at 717-449-6465 or email at [email protected] Hope to see you there.

2025 Winter Trap Shooting (Public) @ Columbia Fish & Game Trap Range
Feb 16 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
2025 Winter Trap Shooting (Public) @ Columbia Fish & Game Trap Range | Columbia | Pennsylvania | United States

Weekly winter public trap shoots are open to members and non-members every Sunday at 10:00 am and to 1:00 pm between Thanksgiving and March. Cost is $5 for 25 birds.

Monthly Club Meeting @ Columbia Fish & Game
Feb 17 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Monthly Club Meeting @ Columbia Fish & Game | Columbia | Pennsylvania | United States

Come to the monthly club meeting, every 3rd Monday of the month, held at the clubhouse.

2025 CF&G Archery League (Indoor Range) @ Columbia Fish & Game Clubhouse
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
2025 CF&G Archery League (Indoor Range) @ Columbia Fish & Game Clubhouse | Columbia | Pennsylvania | United States


Every Tuesday at 7:00 pm from Jan. 7th to April 1st You must attend 1 of the first 2 weeks to acquire an average score League Scoring will start on January 16th and run for the next 10 weeks April 1st will be a fun shoot where there will be games and prizes.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to learn how to shoot any type of bow, or anyone looking to improve his or her shooting skills. No previous archery knowledge is required, but it would be helpful if you are able to hit a paper plate at 20 yards. You must bring your own equipment. You do not have to be a Columbia Fish & Game Member.

How does it work?

Each shooter will shoot 3 rounds of 15 arrows at a paper target at 20 yards. Each shooter will acquire an average score and try to improve his or her average each week. Teams will be set according to average. (Shooters may request who they would like to shoot with, and all efforts will be made to accommodate these requests.)

50/50 Drawing each week.

For each week of paid attendance, you will receive 1 ticket stub. On the last week of the league, a drawing will be done for the following prizes.

  • 1st Prize: $75 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • 2nd Prize $50 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • 3rd Prize $25 Gift Card to Lancaster Archery Supply
  • And many other prizes.

Trophies will be awarded for the following categories

  • 1st Place Team (Each team member will get a trophy)
  • High Average – Adult
  • High Average – Junior
  • Most Improved Average – Adult
  • Most Improved Average – Junior


Adult $5 per week, $50 total
Junior (16 & under) $2 per week, $20 total

Contact info:

If you are interested in shooting, please attend either Jan. 7th, or Jan 14th and any questions you have can be answered then. If you need any other information, or directions, please contact Cory Trimble at 717-449-6465 or email at [email protected] Hope to see you there.

2025 Black Powder Open House

You are invited to join us at Columbia Fish & Game for our Black Powder Open House on February 23rd, 2025, from 10AM to 4PM. Admission is $1. At the event we will have: Black powder demonstrations, displays, and vendors Reenactment demonstrations Door prizes Food...

2025 Ladies Night On the Range

Hello Ladies of CF&G, Ladies Night on the Range is back for 2025! This will be limited to the pistol range with the possibility of some Trap shooting. The evening will start at 6:00, go till sunset, is open to the public (club membership is not needed) and FREE....

Carrying in Pennsylvania: Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Changes

On Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 at 7pm, Columbia Fish and Game is hosting a seminar for those who are interested in learning more about legal rights for carrying a firearm in Pennsylvania. This is open to the public, so please share with your friends and family....

2024 Pumpkin Pie Shoot

On Sunday, November 24th we'll be holding our annual Pumpkin Pie Trapshoot. The shoot will consist of 5 man, 25 target events, and 2 pumpkin pies will be awarded per event: High score and shooter that breaks the green target. High score ties will be decided by a...

2024 Fall Black Powder Woods Walk Results

We had wonderful weather for our shoot this fall. There were 8 targets in the woods and 8novelty targets on the rifle range. The adult winners were first place Joe Guidos, Secondplace Eric Hemperly, Third place Matt Charles, Fourth place Walt Yoder, Fifth place...
Precision 22LR small-bore rifle shoot

Indoor Precision Rifle Matches for 2024-2025

The Precision Rifle Shooting league which CF&G participates in will be holding at home via postal matches for the first half of the season in 2024 and early 2025. The matches will be held in the clubhouse on the following dates (indoor range will be closed): Match...

Join The NRA

We are an NRA affiliated and recruiting club. If you would like to join the NRA or you are a NRA Member and need to renew, please use the button below.

When joining or renewing for an annual membership, the cost is discounted $10.00. Not only do you save money, you help the club.

Columbia Fish & Game

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